The Classical and the Grotesque

Associated with rationalism, the classical provides the normalizing aspects of western culture and high culture. The classical body is closed, self-contained, monumental, symmetrical, masculine, and sleek. The classical model of progress corrects and erases mistakes.  Opposing the classical is the grotesque, which leaves room for chance, for error.  Historically the “grotto-esque” refers to the excavation in fifteenth-century Rome of Nero’s…

Lifesize Matrons

The boundary is a tiny space where two hierarchies meet. Hierarchies are reordered as binaries. Categories don’t line up with realities. The classic meets the grotesque. Illusion meets reality in the boundary.  Information is necessary to change the worldview. In the boundary we can puzzle how information is taught, artists can change the worldview by dissecting and turning truths. Nothing…

Body Risks

The body risks began in earnest when she was eighteen, innocently; she was unconscious that she was risking anything. Sheila began with the high dive, carefully executed in diving class, back dives, jackknives, flips, and cartwheels from the board twenty-five feet above the pool. These dives were as thrilling as they were terrifying. Dives from high rocks into quarries, fifteen-foot…

Pythagorean Contraries

Sheila dances on the proscenium, that space between the curtain and the orchestra where the stage meets the pit. You believe in one-to-one correspondence. Two things cannot exist in the same realm equally. It must be one or the other, black or white. Sheila believes life provides an amalgamation of gray values. Life is a collection of perfection and errors…

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